One-day Spring Conference of the SCF Rhône-Alpes, 1st June 2023 in Lyon at the CPE lecture hall

The next one-day Spring Conference for the Rhône-Alpes section of the French Chemical society (SCF) will be conducted in person on site the,

1st June 2023 at the Lyon Chemistry and Chemical Engineering School – Digital Sciences School (CPE)

 (address below) 

with the programme :

-        plenary lecture from an invited speaker from Industry by Véronique Peres from Orano entitled: "L’impact des enjeux environnementaux sur les choix des procédés de recyclage des batteries Li-ion"

-        plenary lecture from an invited speaker from Academia by  Marine Peuchmaur from the "Département de Pharmacochimie Moléculaire" à Grenoble entitled:"Modification chimique d'extraits de plantes : méthodologie originale."


-        selected oral presentations (15 minutes) and poster communications

The objective of this day is to maintain the link between our regional community of chemists and to give young researchers the opportunity to prevent their research work.

You are cordially invited to participate (registration necessary) et to submit your abstracts for an oral communication (or poster) before the May 2nd 2023 at midnight. The deadline date for abstract submission for posters is the 19 May 2023.

A snack will be offered at lunchtime where the poster presentations will take place.

On the website, please click on the page "My submissions” for abstract submission.

As a reminder, this scientific day is free and open to all and everyone. The oral presentations will be attributed as a priority to PhD students who are existing members of the SCF. A prize for the best presentation and two prizes for the best posters will also be attributed! We strongly encourage Master’s students to participate and present their research work as posters!

It will be a pleasure to see you the 1st June 2023.

Best regards,

The SCF Rhône-Alpes committee

Location : CPE school on the La Doua campus, Lyon

Campus de la Doua, Campus Lyontech, 3 Rue Victor Grignard, 69100 Villeurbannecpe_logo_3.jpg     photo_CPE_toute_petite.jpg


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